In a highly coordinated and unprecedented attack, a series of pager devices exploded across Lebanon, targeting members of the Hezbollah organization. This incident marks a new...
Recent floods in southern Morocco, particularly in the Tata and Zagora regions, have caused significant devastation. This climate event, described as “exceptional,” resulted in the tragic...
The University of al-Qarawiyyin, located in Fez, Morocco, is widely recognized as the world’s oldest continually operating institution of higher learning. Founded in 859 AD by...
In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency and online business, the Doge Entrepreneur has emerged as a cultural icon, blending humor with serious business endeavors. Born...
India is preparing to implement non-tariff barriers on solar cell imports, with the aim of reducing dependence on Chinese imports and enhancing local manufacturing capabilities. Union...
Japan has lodged a formal protest with China after a Chinese military plane allegedly violated Japanese airspace near the southern Okinawa Prefecture. The incident, which occurred...
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, a newly discovered phishing method has been found that specifically targets users of Android and iPhone devices. This sophisticated...